WisTMP Contact Information
Most questions about WisTMP usage should be directed to the WisDOT contact person for your region:
NE | Joshua Falk | joshua.falk@dot.wi.gov | (920) 492-7165 |
NC | Cara Abts | cara.abts@dot.wi.gov | (715) 421-8024 |
NW | Chad Hines | Chad.Hines@dot.wi.gov | (715) 836-7276 |
SE | Rebecca Klein | rebecca.klein@dot.wi.gov | (262) 548-8728 |
SW | Joe Schneider | joseph.schneider@dot.wi.gov | (608) 789-5959 |
For technical support, including user account related questions, contact: wistmp@topslab.wisc.edu.
For additional questions about WisTMP policy and workflow, contact WisDOT BTO:
Andy Heidtke
BTO Work Zone Engineer
E-mail: Andrew.Heidtke@dot.wi.gov
For all other WisTMP related questions or comments, contact TOPS Lab:
Chris Mills
TOPS Lab Systems Developer
E-mail: cmills4@wisc.edu
Steven Parker
TOPS Lab IT Program Manager
E-mail: sparker@engr.wisc.edu
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