TOPS Lab Logo

Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory

The WisTransPortal System - TEST

The WisTransPortal system serves the computing and data management needs of the Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory. The project scope includes support for ITS data archiving, real-time traffic information services, transportation operations applications, and transportation research. Learn more.

Unplanned Outages

  • None
Scheduled Downtimes and Alerts
Sundays from 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM are reserved for WisTransPortal system maintenance. 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM is reserved for the DMV-CRASH Resolve systems. Wednesdays from 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM are reserved for minor WisTransPortal application maintenance. Scheduled maintenance times will be posted on this page.

  • May 20, there will be a low-risk maintenance window from 9pm-midnight, to perform an update to the Crash Resolve System.
  • May 31 WisTransPortal server maintenance window is scheduled from 6am to 3pm.
Campus Outages
Campus Email distribution

View complete history

Monthly Scheduled WisTransPortal Server Maintenance Days Completed Notes
December 20 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft December Updates;
November 22 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft November Updates;
October 25 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft October Updates;
September 20 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft September Updates;
August 23 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft August Updates;
July 26 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft July Updates;
June 21 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft June Updates;
May 31 PLANNED: Servers patched up to Microsoft May Updates; LINK TEST update;
April 26 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft April Updates; VMware updates; SFTP Storage increase; SolarWinds Update
March 22 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft March Updates;
February 23 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft February Updates; Wowza Update; VMWare patches and upgrades;
January 26 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft January Updates; Dell critical firmware updates; Apache updates; VMWare patches and upgrades;
January 12 CompletedDoIT Network Services maintenance on the data center hardware firewall
December 22 CompletedServer reboots - no patching or updates
December 8 CompletedVMWare storage config and VMWare cluster config; New Web server
November 24 Completed Servers patched up to Microsoft November Updates; VMware Updates;
October 27 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft October Updates; Symantec Updates; Media servers moved to DoIT AD; Storage Firmware Updates;
September 29 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft September Updates; Symantec update; Firmware updates
August 25 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft August Updates; New Media server (Media5) to production
July 21 CompletedServers patched up to Microsoft July Updates;

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