Data Products
This page contains links to traffic operations datasets and other WisDOT datasets. Many of these datasets are updated on a regular basis; the revision date is provided where applicable. Data products are generally available for download and offline use, although some links open to external and/or dynamic resources. Live database query tools are available from the WisTransPortal "Web Applications" area.
Geological Engineering
WisDOT TDR Data Project
TDR Data Downloads. Available to WisDOT and designated authorized users. Contact for questions or information.
WisDOT Inclinometer Data Project
Inclinometer Data Downloads.
Transportation Safety ~ TOPS Lab
Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System
In Wisconsin, the CODES linkage project operates as a multi-agency collaboration. Hospital and Emergency Department data from the Wisconsin Hospital Association are linked with WisDOT Crash data using probabilistic linkage (1992-2012) and exact linkage (2013+).
WisDOT ITS Inventory Resources
Online access to Wisconsin Department of Transporation (WisDOT) ITS equipment and fiber system (ITSNet)
as-built plan documentation. Contact for questions or information.
FHWA NPMRDS Mobility Data
FHWA National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) database extracts. Available to WisDOT and designated authorized users.
Contact for access information.
Additional Data Products
Additional WisDOT products and resources hosted on the WisTransPortal per request of WisDOT Bureau of Traffic Operations.
Password protected.